What To Expect at the Family Resource Center

The cornerstone program of Readiness to Learn is our Family Resource Center (FRC), located in room 117 at the South Whidbey Community Center. The broad definition of a Family Resource Center (FRC) is “a community-based hub that provides a range of services to families. These centers aim to strengthen family functioning. FRCs offer support, education, and resources for families with children of all ages. They’re run by professionals like social workers, educators, and community organizers, tailored to meet the specific needs of the community they serve.”

I have always loved looking up this definition because it reminds me, “Yes! This is what we do!” What can you expect if you reach out to the Family Resource Center? First, know that we center our guiding principles in all of our interactions. This means we recognize that you are the expert about your family and understand your needs best, so our first step is to listen to you to understand what is happening and figure out how we can support you.

The range of support people need or are interested in varies, so there isn’t a situation that might lead you to us too weird, too small, or too large! For example, someone once came into the FRC and said, “I need fans; there was a flood at our house,” we connected that person with fans in short order! Another time, a kiddo popped in and said, “I need a marble,” and I had one at my desk! More typically, people come to us because one large bill or a family health emergency has set their family behind financially. We are experts in the resources available in our community, and we will help you access those resources at the level you are interested in. Sometimes, people only need a phone number or a registration link; other times, it is helpful for us to fill that out with you or for you (all of those options are normal and available).

The Family Resource Center is home to the office of Mary Michell, who works for both the South Whidbey School District and Readiness To Learn. Mary is available to go on a deeper dive with families; she loves walking alongside people in order to try to help make their lives a little easier.

The FRC has reduced operating hours this summer, but if you call or email, we can schedule an appointment to meet with you at 360-221-6808 ext 4321 or rtlfprograms@readinesstolearn.org.

Recently, the FRC also became the home base for Danya, an Advocate for Citizens Against Domestic & Sexual Abuse (CADA). Her hours in Langley are Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Danya is available, but part of her job is to be out and about making connections with community members, so the best way to reach her is through the CADA office at 360-675-7057.

The FRC is here for your family, whether that means being a friendly face and listening ear, connecting you with resources, or helping to find marbles!

In Community,

Cailyn Murray, Co-Executive Director, Readiness To Learn


It was another FUN summer!


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